TW: sexual crimes and r*pe mentions. The Nth Room was a dark web sexual crime operation in South Korea that mainly used Telegram to sell and distribute explicit content from from 2018 to 2020. The number of confirmed victims is at least 103, including 26 minors. Predatory traffickers took advantage of victims’ financial situations and recruited them to take jobs with seemingly ‘easy’ money in exchange. Once they had obtained personal information, they blackmailed the victims, forcing them to upload sexually exploitative pictures and videos to multiple chat rooms: trapping them in sexual slavery. Meanwhile, the perpetrators were making money off anonymous chat room users who were willing to pay for their sick chance to watch and sometimes, participate. It was a team of young journalists who eventually brought the Nth Room to the public’s attention, leading to the arrests of its ringleaders: men only known as 갓갓 (“God God”) and 박사 (“Baksa”) online. In March 2020, their identities were revealed on TV across Korea, after millions of outraged people demanded justice. “Baksa” - who turned out to be 25-year-old Cho Joo Bin - thanked everyone for “putting the brakes on the life of a devil that could not be stopped.” While the case led to the arrests of over 60 dark web chat room operators and some legal revisions, there is still much work to be done to improve South Korea’s laws around digital sex crimes and prevent future Nth Rooms.
Mona Fandey dreamed of becoming Malaysia’s biggest pop star. Instead, she became the face of Malaysia’s most infamous crime after she murdered a local politician. After burying her victim six feet underground -- beheaded, skinned, and dismembered into 18 parts -- she was arrested and sentence to death. Her response? ""I am happy. Thank you to all of Malaysia."" This is the story of Mona Fandey, Malaysia’s most gruesome murderous witch doctor.
Cheung Tze Keung may have been the ballsiest gangster in history. He extorted Hong Kong billionaires for over $300 million dollars and spent lavishly on mansions and luxury cars before gambling it all away.
In 1984, a Japanese villain known as “The Monster with 21 Faces” poisoned candies by manipulating the country’s biggest food companies, caused parents to fear for their children’s lives and making a mockery of the Japanese police.
On March 26, 1991, five innocent boys trek out into the woods. They never make it back. The police brushed it off, saying they'd simply run away. But when days turned into weeks with no sign of the boys, their parents decided to take matters into their own hands. The parents started a nation-wide search to trying to find their kids, and the story spread like wildfire. Soon all of South Korea was on a wild search, looking for the group who became known as "The Frog Boys" based off a report that they had originally been searching for frogs. 11 years goes by, and then one day, a hiker finally comes across the Frog Boys.
For decades, the infamous tale of Si Quey Sae-Ung has haunted the nightmares for Thai children. In 1958, he was sentenced to death after confessing to kidnapping and devouring children. After his execution, his corpse was mummified for all to see at a museum labeled as “the cannibal.” His name became synonymous with the Boogeyman. But in 2018, people started shedding a new light on Si Quey’s case, asking: Who was the killer really and could there be a darker truth behind his story?