

Explainers add the context that's so needed and often missing from Asian headlines
Is Plastic Actually Being Recycled?


Is Plastic Actually Being Recycled?

We’ve all been taught recycling is a sustainable way each of us can make a difference. But the truth is that the plastics industry paid millions to push this message--and to sell more plastic. Here's the dark truth and how it's led to some serious consequences. Plastic industry officials long knew that recycling plastic on a large scale was unlikely to ever be economically viable. In fact, only 9% of all plastic ever created has been recycled. So where does all this plastic end up? While the U.S. is the world’s biggest plastic polluter, all of this waste is exported to Southeast Asian countries. We desperately need better recycling infrastructures set up locally than relying on dumping our waste in developing nations. And we need to be advocating for lasting solutions to the plastic problem because our waste is our problem.

How To Lose $150B Overnight


How To Lose $150B Overnight

Gautam Adani was Asia’s richest man and known as a shrewd businessman who has a close, personal relationship with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In January, Hindenburg revealed corporate fraud by releasing a report on Adani Group that Hindenburg actually made a profit from. Now investors have bailed on Adani and it’s left huge redevelopment projects up in the air, which involves resettling a million people. Adani has accused Hindenburg of launching a “calculated attack on India” and his finance chief compared it to a British colonial-era massacre. While Modi has been silent on the Adani scandal, India’s 2024 general election approaches and it remains to be seen whether this corruption will influence voters’ choices. What we do know is that Indian oligarchs need to be checked in on, regularly and intensely.

Donating Clothes Isn’t The Solution


Donating Clothes Isn’t The Solution

Did you know that the average amount of times we wear clothing before throwing it away is 7? American saviorism deludes us to believe that “people in need will wear my old clothes” but what’s actually happening is the Global South becomes the dumping ground for the lifestyle and convenience of the Global North. This exploitation has turned Asia into a garment dump. So what can we actually do? Prioritize consuming less, elongating the lives of the clothes we have by repairing and mending, wearing hand-me-downs, buying used, and repurposing old clothes. Donating our clothes isn’t superior thinking disguised as a good deed. And outside of making changes to our own wardrobe, here’s how we can hold the perpetrators of waste colonialism accountable.

Ultra Fast Fashion Merusak Iklim dan Nasib Buruh


Ultra Fast Fashion Merusak Iklim dan Nasib Buruh

Pabrik garmen tersebar di seluruh penjuru Indonesia dan negara-negara Asia lainnya, dan di dalamnya ribuan pakaian diproduksi tiap hari untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumtif dari seluruh dunia karena siklus fashion yang cepat sekali. Bagi produsen besar seperti Shein, hanya butuh waktu satu minggu untuk mengubah desain menjadi produk jadi. Tentu di tengah-tengah industri raksasa ini terdapat nasib-nasib buruh yang terpinggirkan dan dampak ke perubahan iklim.

Don’t Appropriate Shiba Inus


Don’t Appropriate Shiba Inus

How much do you know about Shiba Inus? What were they originally bred for? Why did they almost go extinct? Shiba’s are aesthetically pleasing, incredibly popular, and Japan's national treasure--but how much do you know about the history of this hunting dog? Known for their fox-like features and tan fur, Shiba Inus have been around since the 3rd century BC but have nearly become extinct on two occasions–both in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. When Japan started importing Western dogs, cross-breeding led to a decline in pure Shiba Inus. And during WWII, bombings and food shortages also nearly wiped out these highly-sought after dogs. After Elon Musk’s 2021 tweet about his Shiba, the breed became trendy and this leads to unethical high-volume breeding. Though Shiba Inus have gone viral, buyers need to realize that owning this dog isn’t a fad. In fact, it’s a serious responsibility that requires a 14-16 year commitment to a dog that is practically a 25 lb. wolf.

Bisakah Kita Menghindari Kerusuhan Kerumunan?


Bisakah Kita Menghindari Kerusuhan Kerumunan?

Akhir tahun lalu, beberapa kejadian mengejutkan terjadi di berbagai daerah di Asia. Kejadian-kejadian ini melibatkan kerumunan yang gagal dikendalikan dan ujungnya, beberapa orang kehilangan nyawanya. Mengapa kejadian ini banyak terjadi di negara-negara Asia, dan bagaimana kita dapat menjaga diri kita di keramaian?